Win 3 FREE pages of SEO copy
March 19, 2009 • Glenn Murray
Some of my Twitter followers talk to me a lot
I love my Twitter followers (although I hate the term ‘followers’). They’re so helpful and friendly and giving. And I have some brilliant conversations with them.
I’d like more of my followers to do the same
But I keep seeing the same names and faces popping up in my @ replies column in TweetDeck. Don’t get me wrong; I love seeing their smiling faces! It’s not that I want them to stop. I just want more of my followers to engage with me in the same way.
Perhaps I’m just not tweeting good stuff?
Now I know everyone’s busy, and that’s partly why I’m not seeing more faces. And I know a good percentage of my followers probably followed me ages ago, then promptly forgot about me (or stopped using Twitter altogether). And, doubtless, some followed me just to get me to follow them – they’re just playing the numbers game.
But I have a feeling there’s more to it than that. I suspect I’m simply not tweeting enough about the right stuff. I suspect I’d get a lot more response if I knew exactly the sorts of things my followers want to hear more of. So here’s what I’m proposing…
To WIN, tell me what to tweet about…
Please tell me what you’d like me to tweet and blog about. Just add a comment below. Even if you only heard about me for the first time through this post, feel free to follow me now, then jump in and tell me the sorts of tweets and posts you value most.
In return, I’m offering a prize: 3 FREE pages of SEO copy. I’ll select one comment at random, and its owner will get 3 pages of SEO copy written/re-written for FREE. By me, personally. (Obviously spam comments will be discounted.)
I’ll be announcing the winner on Monday, April 6, 2009.
Important notes
- I’m not suggesting I’ll be changing my overall approach and general subject matter domain. But if there’s something in particular you’d like me to be tweeting – or even blogging – about, more often, I’d really like to know.
- And while I’m more than happy for people to follow me purely as a result of this post, I ask that you only do so if you’re interested in copywriting, SEO copywriting and general SEO stuff. That’s my area of expertise, and what I usually tweet about. I don’t want a whole swag of disinterested followers. That would kinda defeat the purpose of this post!
- When I say “3 FREE pages of SEO copy”, I DON’T mean copy like this or this. I’m talking about more succinct corporate SEO copy like this, this and this. We’re talking up to about 300-400 words per page, here.
Please comment…
So tell me… What would YOU like to read about more often in my tweets and blog?
Allison O'Neill wrote on March 19th, 2009
I need to know great 'call to action' words 2use at the bottom of articles etc so people actually BUY my book after reading something I've written. Also I need to know the best copy to use in a sales letter to HR managers to get them to buy copies of my book in bulk. AND I need to know what I should include on my website that will make people acutally BUY NOW! There you go... twitter that :)
Andrew wrote on March 19th, 2009
I'd like to see copywriting tips and info/news about the Aussie SEO community. As a new arrival to Sydney, I have a lot to learn about the online marketing community here. I'd also be interested in hearing your trials and tribulations on creating the eBook, but I guess that's better suited for a blog! Cheers!
Sunny Jamiel wrote on March 19th, 2009
Hi Glenn, I would like to read more on the importance of avoiding the typical all hyped up copy, so commonly found on the internet. Personally that just appalls me. I'd like to know more about the skill of bringing out the authenticity and genuineness of your product/service in your copy?
dana strong wrote on March 19th, 2009
Great idea. Book and article reviews and/or recommendations about SEO and copywriting are always helpful.
Sunny Jamiel wrote on March 19th, 2009
I'd also like to read your take on the Newsletter vs. RSS subscription matter. Is it better to just have just one instead of two sources of building your subscribers list, in the context of a blog?
Deborah wrote on March 19th, 2009
What I'd like to read is a case story on what happens once SEO copy has been written - how do you continue to improve and update the copy over time? We often get caught up with the initial publication/release of copy, but the continued updating of copy can be forgotten as new features/functionality are added to a website.
JanH wrote on March 19th, 2009
I'll echo a couple others - continuing to learn is what we all do. Knowing when to step it up, how to step it up to keep marketing moving forward. I like the tips and content but also tech challenged and learning that I am some even basic articles skip over the whys and wheres. Along with evaluating ourselves it also would be welcome of knowing when we've reached our capability and finding a reliable person to hire to take it to that next step above our heads without getting ripped off.
Lee wrote on March 19th, 2009
Well, that I'm learning more and more about copywriting, I would love to see some prime examples (in your well educated opinion) of what does and does not work in terms of attracting people with copy. I'm doing my own copywriting and taking a lot of pointers from good sales pages, but I really don't know what I'm doing. All this copy wants to escape my brain but I'd like to know some good methods to apply so I don't write myself out of business. My two cents on what I'd like to hear from you. :)
Mihai Secasiu wrote on March 19th, 2009
I'd like to see some blog posts about how copywriting works. I mean from a client point of view... what should a client expect from the copywriter and what should the client provide to him/her.
Rhonda wrote on March 19th, 2009
Short and sweet: More SEO tips and case study examples that are practical! Just one tip a day would be fantastic.... Cheers Rhonda
Skyring wrote on March 19th, 2009
I'm a taxidriver. Twelve hours each night, five nights a week. I don't have TIME after sleeping and doing everything else to wade through long internet tracts, let alone put them into practise. I need things short and snappy to set the thinking machine into motion.
Paul wrote on March 19th, 2009
I follow your Tweets mostly for the links out to good SEO/writing articles that you've found. Saves me having to seek them out myself! I subscribe to your blog for the great writing tips. So I guess I'm saying, more of that please! And I echo other's comments above for good practical tips in blog posts.
Olivia Mitchell wrote on March 19th, 2009
I'd like tips on writing intelligent copy for selling ebooks online which doesn't read like those interminable sales pages with yellow highlighting all over them.
Tony da Costa wrote on March 19th, 2009
I feel more need to know that quality content still rules, should be unique, relevant and provide value to users. Maybe even building content vs building links as a thought.
Andrea Wilson wrote on March 19th, 2009
Hi, Glenn, I sell Web design services (XSitePro templates). First, I'd like to know how to write copy for my Home page and for products (such as how-to reports) that isn't your typical hyped-up sales letter: copy that sells a little more subtly, but nevertheless effectively. Second, I'd like to know more about writing in your own voice and how that affects copywriting. Finally, I never seem to be able to write long copy. Even though I'm a decent writer, I struggle with finding enough to say. I guess I get bored quickly! Can shorter copy be just as effective? If so, how and where can one cut back on copy safely?
Kay wrote on March 19th, 2009
I'd love to get some handy, quick and easy tips that I could implement myself.
Cheyanne wrote on March 19th, 2009
Glen, already a fan of your twittering, your posted links save me time looking around, and I enjoy your funny bone humor :) Everyone always wants to the "how do i get a higher google ranking"... etc I'd actually like to know the opposite. What damages your ranking, what are the "do not's" with SEO & any examples would be great. Thanks for just being you :)
andymurd wrote on March 19th, 2009
Loved your e-book giveaway, so I'm looking forward to winning this competition (think positive, right?) I'd like you to tweet about reducing bounce rate, especially for social media visitors. It's a problem I just can't get over. Most visitors to my blog arrive from Twitter or StumbleUpon, read and leave. Can you give me some tips to get them to hang around, read more or comment? Thanks.
Sally, Snappy Sentences wrote on March 19th, 2009
Hi Glenn I've been following you for a while, and although we don't really have 'conversations' - it doesn't mean that I don't go and check out most of the links you tweet :) So more of the same - plus some extra case studies of what does and doesn't work. I'd like seeing some good critiques of content that's out there already. Cheers Sally
Big Click Web Design wrote on March 20th, 2009
I haven't been following you for long but I would like to see a blog on how copywriting integrates with the overall web design/development process and some tips on what words work best as CTA's and in what areas of a UI - e.g - Should "sign up now" be used in the first 100/500/1000 words? - How much copy is too much copy, when does the user lose interest? - What buzz words are good to retain the users focus? - Statistics on what combination's of words saying the same thing have higher conversion rate. i.e Join Now, Register, Sign Up Justin - Big Click Studios @juz4dafunofit - @bigclickstudios
Angus Gordon wrote on March 20th, 2009
I agree with all the requests for case studies, especially on the blog. On Twitter, I think one of the most valuable things you can do is help people make connections they may not make for themselves - e.g. "copywriters, here's a web designer you should follow because she's obsessed with making design and content work together". Oh, and if you draw my name out of the hat, you officially have my permission to redraw ;)
Fiona Dixon wrote on March 25th, 2009
Im just a new follower on Twitter and have clicked through a few of your links and I thought they were very helpful. not sure if you have done any of these yet? common spelling mistakes that can help you/hurt you with seo - how the spelling of words can vary between countries and how it effects you? for example in my business there are several ways to spell words regarding to the area you live in around the world. People also shorten the words too, so how is the best way to handle this? how to put an ebook together with good quaity copy containing seo for your industry. How many pages should you put in an ebook etc I have a print button located on almost everypage of my site. I want to know what would be the best thing to write to inform people of what we do so when they print out the bio i suppose you would call it and they take it to hospital or give to friend its a free piece of marketing material for me unsure if this is what your really after since not being able to check out your site and blog fully before posting.. I don't want to miss the comp!! hope that wasn't too many. Have a great week !!
Monique wrote on March 25th, 2009
SEO tips! Some for those that are not too tech savvy too :) SEO stuff aimed at small australian business. Interesting and helpful follow recommendations.
Paul Glavin wrote on March 25th, 2009
I'd be interested to read advice targetted at those that find it difficult to actually write the content!
Nicole Hammett wrote on March 30th, 2009
Hi Glenn, Great idea! I would like to know more about SEO, I am currently reading your SEO Secrets e-book and I understand I have to contantly update my site to, but I am not sure how to do this. So i would like to see some blog posts with tips on continually update your site.
Andrew wrote on March 30th, 2009
Hi, I'd love to know more about the mystical world of evaluating copywriting. ie: you write a bunch of different flyers/web pages and you put them all out. Do you simply measure the response rate? have a "call to action", question and pester your responders to death about "how they felt?" ;) Thanks Andrew
Glenn Murray wrote on March 30th, 2009
And the winner is... Allison O'Neill (@bossbenchmark). No, not 'cos she was first to comment; it was completely random. Congratulations, Allison!
Fred Schebesta wrote on April 22nd, 2009
I am keen on more SEO copywriting tips. Sneaky tactics and ways to plan for website copy. How to structure your site. All the things we need to think about before we take that step to actually writing. These hopefully will be all the considerations in terms of SEO to consider before writing.