Want to be a copywriter? Here’s how I did it…
November 21, 2013 • Glenn Murray

Want to become a copywriter? Here are a few important tips that will help you on your way.
1) Choose stylish parents
2) Smile under pressure
3) Stay in shape
4) Get to know the products you’ll be writing about
5) Never forgive poor spelling
6) Be prepared to work an extra job for a while
7) Be confident, but not arrogant
8) Stay in touch with your feminine side
9) Appear trustworthy and credible
10) Know your strengths…
11) …And your weaknesses
Sam Stone wrote on November 21st, 2013
LOVE this advice and the photos too.
Shauna wrote on November 21st, 2013
That's awesome Glenn with two n's. You were so cute; what happened ;) Awesome post, highlights the way we can use words sparingly and let the pictures tell the tale. (Bit frightened of the last one though). Love your work.
Emily Read wrote on November 21st, 2013
Number 8 = Wow
Tracy Mallette wrote on November 21st, 2013
Ha! This is awesome, Glenn!
Glenn Murray wrote on November 21st, 2013
Thanks Sam. I'm very photogenic, aren't I? ;-)
Glenn Murray wrote on November 21st, 2013
I think my kids were always a bit frightened by that dummy too. At least when it was in my mouth!
Glenn Murray wrote on November 21st, 2013
Who's a pretty boy?
Glenn Murray wrote on November 21st, 2013
Thanks Tracy. Thought it was about time for some levity... ;-)
Sheryl wrote on November 21st, 2013
So, so brave, Glennnn. And so damned funny! Thanks for sharing. Made my Friday.
Glenn Murray wrote on November 21st, 2013
Brave? Pfff. I've been dying to share that photo! ;-)
Mani wrote on November 22nd, 2013
Glenn Just Brilliant :)
Maïder wrote on November 22nd, 2013
This is very original!!! ;)
Max Kitchen wrote on November 25th, 2013
Ha, just seen this. This is brilliant. You should make a video with those images. It's got real shareability potential that one.
Glenn Murray wrote on November 26th, 2013
Ha! Thanks mate. I'll see if Ian will do it...
Apprentice copywriter job – Casual role, work from home wrote on July 27th, 2015
[…] working for, read my copywriting bio, and check out my copywriting blog (particularly this post and this post). Maybe check out my personal blog too, just in case you’re a racist, a libertarian or a […]
Brook McCarthy wrote on February 16th, 2016
So awesomely awesome Glenn. Just what I'd expect from you. ;)
Glenn Murray wrote on February 17th, 2016
Thanks! :-)
Glenn Murray wrote on February 17th, 2016
Thanks Maider. :-)
Glenn Murray wrote on February 17th, 2016
Thanks Brook. I'm nothing if not awesome! ;-)