A copywriting post worth talking about

November 6, 2013 •

After being called an “arrogant asshole” by the CEO of Ragan.com and PRweb.com, I was ready for a lift. And today I got it.

This tweet…

I happened to see a tweet from Sarah Townsend, a freelance copywriter in the UK:

Tweet about copywriting post

As a big proponent of conversational copywriting, I was quick to click. What I found at the other end was a very pleasant surprise.

Led me to this article…

Andrew Boulton, copywriter for The Drum, had crafted a thought-provoking and charmingly written post: I ain’t your mate: where do we draw the line with friendly copywriting?

A very nice copywriting post

You should check it out.

This is exactly the sort of post I expect to see on a blog for professional communicators. Very refreshing. It may not answer any questions, but at least it asks a good one. And it made me laugh too:

“Yes you scaled the mountain, but on the way up a Yeti did a poo in your hood.”

So thanks, Andrew. And Mark, take note.

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Andrew Boulton wrote on November 7th, 2013

Absolutely delighted that you shared this Glenn. I’ve made a conscious effort to try (in my own bumbling, rambling way) to talk about the issues in copywriting that I notice and hope that fellow writers recognise the things I’m talking about too. Thanks for the spotlight!

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Glenn Murray wrote on November 7th, 2013

It was a great post. It's us should be thanking you! :-)

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