A/B TEST RESULT: $24k/month increase!
June 1, 2018 • Glenn Murray

I don’t brag here often, but today’s an exception.
We designed a new sales page for a small software company, and we’ve been split testing it against the old one.
The test has been running for 2 weeks, and each page has received nearly 7,000 unique visitors:
In that time, our page has performed 18% better than the old one.
That equates to a whopping USD $18,484 more per month (AUD $24,482), at their average sale price. Or thereabouts.
And this a little company, not some giant like Microsoft. They have just 15 employees! So this revenue increase will make a massive difference to everyone.
I’m afraid I can’t show you the before and after at the moment, or name the client. I’ve been asked to keep all of that confidential.
Oh and for the record, yes, although they’re small, they get a LOT of traffic. I can look at their real time GA at almost any time of the day or night, and this is the sort of picture I see:
Anyway, that’s all. Pat on back concluded.
As you were.
Mark Vozzo wrote on June 2nd, 2018
This is an amazing result Glenn. It just goes to show you how important copy is. Thanks for sharing the results. It was awesome working with you during our Citect years and it's great to see that you have your own agency now that is helping other businesses.
Glenn Murray wrote on June 4th, 2018
Thanks mate! Very nice of you. Wow, that seems like a lifetime ago!